Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Right to Religious Freedom

What is religious freedom?  Is it the freedom to practice whenever and wherever you want? Or is it more limited than that? According to the first amendment of the Constitution, every American has the right to practice his or her own religion or no religion at all.  I have addressed before the issue surrounding the using of the phrases, "In God We Trust" and "One Nation Under God".  Is the using of these phrases in line with the first amendment?  Our countries founders were all of different faiths and religions, but they all did agree that no matter the religion, everyone believes in something.  The first amendment, however focuses on the separation between church and state. This separation has saved our country a lot of heartache and conflict.

The United States has been successful in separating church and state in regards to schools and other government funded organizations.  Church schools, for example, cannot be funded by the government.  Those religions which wish to have their own school, must do so by means of their own funding.

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