Saturday, September 10, 2016

The scary $15 an hour wage

I found this article very interesting.  Because at first, $15 an hour didn't sound too bad as a starting wage.  Sure, maybe I don't think it would be great for the economy, but I'll be the first to admit that making that much as a starting wage would be pretty nice at my age.

But why should it scare us?  It may be because the price will always be raised somewhere else.  The consumers will be paying more for their cup of coffee.  Sure, most of them will still drink their cup of coffee regardless, but what about products that people are less dependent on?  Will the public really be content with paying $5 for dollar menu items at McDonalds?  The money to pay the higher wage will come from the pockets of other people.  Teenagers will be getting paid well over what they need for their lifestyle by people who really can't afford the new prices at their favorite resutuarant.  That's why it should scare us.

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